Financing the sustainable scale-up of CMAM in high-burden countries: with case studies from Nepal & Kenya
On Thursday 11th May Action against Hunger, Global Health Advocates and International Medical Corps launched the report “Financing the sustainable scale-up of CMAM in high-burden countries: with case studies from Nepal & Kenya”.
This research paper presents the community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) approach and the sustainability of its financing. Two case studies, conducted in Nepal and Kenya respectively, assessed the effectiveness of financing treatment of acute malnutrition through the community approach and identify its main success factors.
This document also provides an overview of CMAM's global existing funding sources and offers targeted recommendations to countries affected by malnutrition, including Nepal and Kenya, but also specific demands to the donors in order to make them increase their investments in nutrition and in particular the CMAM scale-up.
Please find attached the report.
We hope this document proves both interesting and useful.