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Draft FY15 FFP APS for International Emergency Food Assistance

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UPDATE: Ammendment 4 is now available below.

The Draft Fiscal Year 2015 (FY 2015) Office of Food for Peace Annual Program Statement (APS) for International Emergency Food Assistance. 

As this APS is draft and subject to change, all potential applicants are reminded that current APS for International Emergency Food Assistance, APS-FFP-13-000001, remains open indefinitely until an APS amendment is issued to establish a closing date.

FFP would greatly appreciate receiving consolidated comments on this draft APS from the representative groups of the FACG. 

Please note that no FFP country backstop officers or field representatives should be contacted in any way about information contained in the draft APS.  All comments and inquiries should be directed to Juli Majernik at with a copy to

Comments on the FY 2015 draft APS are due Monday, February 2nd, 2015, by close of business.  However, please do not wait until the last day to submit your consolidated comments and inquiries. FFP will provide a consolidated response to comments and inquiries on the drafts with the release of the finalized documents.  

The draft APS is also available on the USAID website at