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Clay Pot Coolers - Preserving Fruits and Vegetables in Mali: Report 2016-2021

Nethra Shankar | Fatimata Cissé | Kukom Edoh Ognakossan | Eric Verploegen
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Case Studies | Evaluations and Research

This report by the MIT D-Lab Evaporative Cooling for Vegetable Preservation group and collaborators covers their work in Mali from 2016 to 2021. The report summarizes the activities of the clay pot cooler project in Mali between 2016 and 2021. This ongoing project, in collaboration with the World Vegetable Center and Institut d’Economie Rurale, has consisted of multiple phases, each focusing on a different technical and social aspect of this technology. The D-Lab clay pot cooler project started in 2016 and has consisted of multiple phases, each focusing on a different technical and social aspect of this technology.