Stakeholder Consultations

Stakeholder Consultations create structured opportunities for implementing partners and USAID to engage with each other on critical issues affecting food security programming and identify solutions

group of people listening to a speaker


Originally launched under the Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) Program, Stakeholder Consultations create structured opportunities for implementing partners and USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) to engage with each other on critical issues affecting food security programming and identify solutions. Now organized by IDEAL, these events are highly participatory, interactive exchanges between BHA and implementing partners that provide:  

  • An opportunity for BHA and IP peer-to-peer dialogue and mutual problem solving 
  • A venue for partners and BHA representatives to articulate challenges in a safe learning space and hear challenges faced by others with an open mind 
  • An opportunity for myth-busting (clarifying partner misconceptions about BHA expectations and preferences and vice versa)
  • Space for BHA and IP staff to work together in crafting or refining new, improved approaches to resilience and emergency food security activities

Past Events

Stakeholder Consultation: RFSA RFA Design and Process | April 7 – 8, 2021 | Online

Facilitated by IDEAL, this event provided partners the opportunity to help shape and provide input into the RFSA solicitation process and content in order to improve the clarity of the Request For Applications (RFAs), improve the quality of RFSA designs, and lower barriers for non-traditional applicants. This was a highly participatory, solutions-oriented event and will include both small group discussions and plenary discussions. The content was informed by implementing partners' input during a qualitative outreach process held prior to the event.

Final Report View Presentation Day 1 Recording Day 2 Recording

Follow-on Brief


You can access a list of Stakeholder Consultations held under The TOPS Program below: