Designing Qualitative Research for Monitoring and Evaluation
This course demonstrates how to design and conduct qualitative research and rigorously and systematically make informed decisions.
E-Courses Designed for the Food Security and Nutrition Community
E-courses provide flexible and accessible learning opportunities, allowing practitioners to acquire new skills and knowledge at their own pace and schedule. Developed by IDEAL and Associate Awards in close partnership with the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, these courses are designed to support implementers who want to improve the activities they work on, strengthen capacity, and expand knowledge and understanding of key themes and practices. You can view more non-IDEAL courses in the Resource Library here.
Explore these courses designed by IDEAL to support the greater food security and nutrition community.
This course demonstrates how to design and conduct qualitative research and rigorously and systematically make informed decisions.
This interactive course guides learners through the entire sampling design process for quantitative surveys, from developing a sampling frame to drawing samples.
This course helps users develop a detailed data analysis plan and explores best practices, themes, patterns, and relationships in data.
This course provides foundational knowledge and practical tools for why and how to conduct scenario planning and prepare for changing circumstances that affect implementation.
This course guides learners through the seven core humanitarian-development-peace coherence principles established by USAID alongside real-world examples.
This micro-course highlights the seven key principles of humanitarian-development-peace coherence established by USAID.
Access courses and online learning modules below from across our constellation of Associate Awards.
Learn about what Human-Centered Design (HCD) is and how it can be used to design and promote innovative, sustainable, and scalable community-centered solutions.
This online course from SCALE offers an introduction to the Permagarden Approach and provides users with a foundational understanding of key concepts, terms, and practices.