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What Results Did the MSD Approach Deliver? A Review of the Latest Evidence

photo of women at a market
Seyba Keita / Save the Children
8:00am - 9:00am ET
Beam Exchange

Every two years, BEAM conducts a review of the results emerging from programmes that use the Market Systems Development (MSD) approach. The review examines their impacts on businesses, incomes and the livelihoods of people living in poverty.

The 2021 evidence review analysed 52 new documents from the BEAM Evidence Map. These included impact assessments, evaluations, annual reports, evidence briefs and case studies. 

In this webinar, the review authors will provide an independent response to the main issues raised by the review. The presentations will summarise the key findings and identify patterns, challenges and lessons from the evaluation of MSD practice. They will address questions such as:

  • How much impact did MSD programmes have on poverty?
  • How well did MSD programmes do at promoting pro-poor growth and improved access to services?
  • What kind of systemic change was achieved?
  • How can the evaluation of MSD programmes be improved?