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Training of Trainers Workshop: Designing Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Activities

Picture of a smiling woman in a field of crops.
Farzana Tabassum, World Vision for Feed the Future
12:00am - 11:59pm ET
In Person - Arlington, VA, USA
USAID’s Bureau for Resilience and Food Security and USAID Advancing Nutrition

USAID’s Bureau for Resilience and Food Security and USAID Advancing Nutrition are hosting a three-day Training of Trainers to support teams preparing to facilitate the Design Guide workshop. Created for facilitators who have an understanding of nutrition-sensitive agriculture, program design, and skills in workshop facilitation, the training will guide teams to design, implement, monitor, and manage agriculture-led economic growth activities for improved nutrition outcomes. Teams will receive an orientation to the Design Guide materials, an overview of best practices in peer-led facilitation, and the opportunity to practice facilitating critical sessions.

The training will be held in person in Arlington, VA, USA from May 25 - 27, 2022. There are no fees to attend but participants will be expected to cover their own lodging and travel costs. Interested teams must apply in advance to secure their place.

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