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Strengthening Hermetic Storage Supply Chains Through Public-Private Partnerships: Reflections from Tanzania, Niger, and Nepal

A person wearing a yellow shirt squats next to a large white bag of seeds.
8:00am - 9:30am ET

Post-harvest loss is a critical issue facing farmers and food-insecure populations globally,  including in those countries most affected by humanitarian crises. These losses represent a significant tax on agricultural production in fragile areas, particularly where protracted, complex emergencies are already taking a toll on agricultural production and human health. The benefits of hermetic (air-tight) post-harvest grain and seed storage have been shown in many situations to be superior to other conventional or traditional practices. However, last-mile supply is a persistent bottleneck to hermetic storage scaling.

In 2020, USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, in partnership with the Global Development Alliance, supported three public-private partnerships to implement and test approaches aimed at promoting demand and strengthening hermetic storage supply chains in Tanzania, Niger, and Nepal. Join PRO-WASH & SCALE on Tuesday, August 27 at 8:00 – 9:30 AM ET / 3:00 – 4:30 PM EAT to hear reflections from implementing partners from Purdue University, IRC, and iDE on the financial and market-based models they employed and learn how these models might be used in the future to support the sustainable development of hermetic storage supply chains. This event will be conducted in English with simultaneous French interpretation
