RISE I Endline Evaluation in Review
This webinar shared findings from the RISE I (Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced) endline evaluation, conducted in October 2020. Implemented from 2014 to 2019, RISE I aimed to bolster the resilience of chronically vulnerable populations in agro-pastoral and marginal agriculture livelihood zones of the West African Sahel. Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), RISE I strategically combined humanitarian and development efforts to break the cycle of crises in the region and foster sustainable development.
The session featured a presentation by Tim Frankenberger, President and co-founder of TANGO International, using the Resilience in the Sahel-Enhanced (RISE) Initiative Impact Evaluation: Endline Survey Report to share findings about the impact of the RISE I interventions on households' resilience, resilience capacities, poverty levels, and women's empowerment, against the backdrop of climatic variability, violent extremism, and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about the RISE initiative here.
Please note that the RISE I research was conducted under the REAL Award, funded by the USAID Center for Resilience, while this webinar is hosted by the RISE II Evaluation activity, funded by the USAID Sahel Regional Office.
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Ce webinaire a partagé les conclusions de l'évaluation finale de RISE I (Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced), réalisée en octobre 2020. Mis en œuvre de 2014 à 2019, RISE I visait à renforcer la résilience des populations chroniquement vulnérables dans les zones de subsistance agropastorales et d'agriculture marginale du Sahel ouest-africain. Financé par l'Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international (USAID), RISE I a stratégiquement combiné les efforts humanitaires et de développement pour rompre le cycle des crises dans la région et favoriser le développement durable.
La session comprenait une présentation de Tim Frankenberger, président et cofondateur de TANGO International, en utilisant le Resilience in the Sahel-Enhanced (RISE) Initiative Impact Evaluation: Endline Survey Report, pour partager les résultats de l'impact des interventions RISE I sur la résilience des ménages, les capacités de résilience, les niveaux de pauvreté et l'autonomisation des femmes, dans le contexte de la variabilité climatique, de l'extrémisme violent et des défis posés par la pandémie de COVID-19. Pour en savoir plus sur l'initiative RISE, cliquez ici.
Veuillez noter que la recherche RISE I a été menée dans le cadre du l'activité REAL, par le USAID Center for Resilience, tandis que ce webinaire est organisé par l'activité RISE II Evaluation, financée par le USAID Sahel Regional Office.
- Presenter
Tim Frankenberger is the President and co-founder of TANGO International and has over 35 years of experience in international development activities. Tim has extensive experience in resilience measurement, project design, monitoring and evaluation, food and livelihood security assessments, vulnerability assessments, and policy analysis. He has actively contributed to the Resilience Measurement Technical Working Group and co-authored numerous papers developing resilience measurement standards. He has also published articles, evaluations, and reports focusing on resilience and household food and livelihood security and has worked in more than 30 countries. Tim has facilitated many workshops on resilience measurement, monitoring and evaluation, project design, food security concepts, assessment approaches, livelihood approaches, and strategic planning.