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Prioritization of Rural WASH including Sustainability and Quality of Rural WASH Services

Two women wash dishes outside
Sophie Hamandishe / Save the Children
7:00am - 8:00am ET

On the road to Dakar: Moving the rural WASH agenda in Africa Webinar 1 and E-Discussion 

This is the first out of two webinars of the online discussions "Prioritizing Rural WASH in Socio-economic Development in Africa". Both webinars will be held in English and French, with simultaneous translation into both languages.

The RWSSI & RWSN E-Discussions on Rural WASH in Africa aim to create momentum for conversations on key topics to be addressed at the 9th World Water Forum in March 2022, in Dakar, Senegal. There will be two e-discussions (in both English and French) focusing on two related topics. The first e-Discussion focusing on Prioritization of Rural WASH including Sustainability and Quality of Rural WASH services will run from 4 – 24 November. This will kick off with an introductory webinar scheduled for 2nd November via Zoom platform. The second e-Discussion on Resource Mobilization and Accountability for Resource use for Rural WASH will run from 29 November – 17 December. The second e-Discussion introductory webinar is scheduled for 23rd November via Zoom platform.

IRC, together with partners, is supporting this initiative by the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI) and the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN) E-Discussions on Rural WASH in Africa.

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E-Discussion 1: November 4 to 24

The main purpose of the e-discussion is to provide a forum for a wide range of participants for discussions on issues pertaining to the two broad topics as a direct contribution to the 9WWF discussions and outcomes. The discussions will also aim to contribute to the UN Special Rapporteur's 2022 thematic report on "the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation of people in impoverished rural areas".

The e-discussion is open to anyone who registers on the E-discussion platform
