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Multi-Sectoral Hygiene Promotion: Integrated Social and Behavioral Change Communication in Emergency Contexts

A girl leans over a bucket to wash her hands.
Sacha Myers / Save the Children
7:00am - 8:00am ET
PRO-WASH & SCALE, Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies TwiG

Join the Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies Technical Working Group's next webinar focused on models of successful integration of hygiene promotion (HP) with other sectors. This webinar is based on the working group's experiences across different emergency phases and contexts and will highlight some of the challenges/failures these approaches face. The overlapping focus areas of this webinar will include integrating hygiene promotion into outbreak responses, multi-sectoral HP in social behavior change, and challenges in integration such as formative research, objectives, focus, and data collection and management, among others. 

English/French interpretation will be provided.
