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Learning from Title II Development Mid-Term Evaluations

Photo of a woman carrying a child standing in a field.
Fredrik Lerneryd / Save the Children
8:00am - 9:00am EST

Watch the Recording Presentation Webinar Q&A

About the Event

Since 2015, USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)* has sponsored participatory mid-term evaluations of their development food security activities (DFAPs and DFSAs) at the mid-point of each award. The findings and recommendations from these process evaluations have primarily been used to inform the activity’s implementation plans, leading to modifications that aim to improve results.

This webinar will provide a brief overview of findings from the recently-published report, “Learning from Evaluations: A Review of 16 Mid-Term Evaluations of USAID-funded Food Security Development Programs from 2015-2020,” which can be found here. While all participants are welcome, this event is specifically targeted toward implementers of Title II-funded development activities.

This event is the first in a series of three events based on “Learning from Evaluations: A Review of 16 Mid-Term Evaluations of USAID-funded Food Security Development Programs from 2015-2020.” The following events will provide opportunities to go deeper into the findings and develop recommendations for future activities.

Call-in details will be provided prior to the event. For questions, please contact the FSN Network at

* Formerly, the Office of Food for Peace and the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance.