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Introducing SanPlan Event:The Sanitation Planning Tool from WASHPaLS

photo of water spickets
Save the Children
10:00am - 11:00am EST

The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Partnerships and Learning for Sustainability (WASHPaLS) team is pleased to invite you to a special presentation of the SanPlan tool, a free web-based application for employing publicly available spatial data to guide sanitation programming.

The WASHPaLS team designed this tool based on learnings from its multi-year research activities on factors that influence sanitation program success. SanPlan features overlays of multiple datasets in a way that allows users to explore and query spatial information to improve location targeting, budgeting, and program design. It also includes a customized map layer developed to classify communities and geographic areas into three typologies of accessibility -- rural remote, rural on-road, and rural mixed -- which can be used for determining the type of sanitation intervention most suitable for a particular area.

Opening Remarks:
Jesse Shapiro | Environmental Health Team Lead, Senior WASH Advisor, and Sanitation Focal Point, USAID

Kara Stuart | Research & Program Manager, WASHPaLS/ The Aquaya Institute
Jessica Tribbe | Research & Program Manager, WASHPaLS/ The Aquaya Institute

With recorded demos from:
Nicole Helme | Senior Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Specialist, Global Communities
Sokha Mok | Program Manager, WaterAid 
