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Integrated WASH Webinar Series around the 3Cs: Conflict, COVID, and Climate Change

9:00am - 10:00am ET (US)
Online, Microsoft Teams
Save the Children and International Medical Corps

Link to the webinar

Introduction: Integrated WASH programming linked to the 3Cs

Join Save the Children and the International Medical Corps for the first of a three-part series focused around the 3Cs: Conflict, COVID, and Climate Change. This first webinar will be focused on how integrated WASH and climate change are linked.Climate change is clearly disrupting weather patterns, leading to extreme weather events, unpredictable water availability, exacerbating water scarcity and contaminating water supplies. Such impacts can drastically affect the quantity and quality of water for people and especially children. The guest speakers in this webinar will respond to key questions such as:

  • Why is the role of integrated WASH programming in line with climate change important?
  • What and how can we be more effective in our integrated WASH programming in line with climate change? 

This first webinar on Integrated WASH linked to Climate Change includes two guest speakers:

  • Dr. Montira Pongsiri, Save the Children senior advisor, Climate change and health
  • Suzan Banna, Climate change expert, Iraq
Join the meeting here.