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The Hows and Whys of Section 508: Making Web Documents 508 Compliant

woman using a tablet
Save the Children
10:30am - 12:00pm ET
Washington, DC
The TOPS Program

Join us for this TOPS Program workshop and learn all about Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Section 508 standards require that all materials on U.S. Government websites, including award documents funded by USAID or other USG agencies, reports, videos, and other materials, be made accessible to people with disabilities.

If you work on a U.S. Government-funded award that is producing any kind of online materials - this workshop is for you!

The workshop seeks to answer the following questions:

  • What is 508 compliance about?
  • Which materials must be made 508 compliant?
  • What are the steps to make a document 508 compliant?
  • Where can I find more resources about this?


Gregg Your, Director of Web Management, Bureau of Legislative and Public Affairs, USAID

Kristen Byrne, Social Media/Website Manager, Office of Food for Peace, USAID

Event Resources: