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Hindsight 2020: Key Findings from the BHA FY20 COVID-19 Evaluation

Community health worker speaks with a woman in Mumbai
ICSA Agency per Save the Children
9:00am - 10:00am ET
COVID-19 Evaluation

Join us on September 29th to learn more about the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)’s response to COVID-19 in humanitarian contexts through the FY2020 supplemental funding. The COVID-19 Evaluation Associate Award was commissioned to determine the effectiveness, relevance, timeliness, and coordination capacity of BHA’s programming.

During this presentation, the evaluation team will highlight key findings, lessons learned, high-level conclusions, and priority recommendations for future programming. We will look at both general and sector-specific findings and highlight both successful approaches and lessons learned for both ongoing COVID-19 programming and future outbreak response in humanitarian contexts. Implementing partners of this supplemental funding and the larger humanitarian and international development community are invited to participate.

Watch Recording 

Check Out the Key Lessons & Reflections