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Complementary Feeding in Emergencies Programming and Resources

Four women holding two small children sit on a blue map in discussion.
USAID Advancing Nutrition
9:00am - 10:30am ET
USAID Advancing Nutrition

Previous assessments have highlighted the need to document complementary feeding programming in emergency contexts. In order to contribute to improving complementary feeding in emergency programming, the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group, in collaboration with UNICEF and USAID Advancing Nutrition, produced case studies on programming in Nigeria, Sudan, Myanmar, and Yemen. These case studies outline policy, institutional, and community-level interventions across the food, health, water and sanitation, and social protection sectors along the humanitarian-development nexus based on the Action Framework for improving the diets of infants and young children.

During this webinar, experts shared findings on complementary feeding in emergencies programming in alignment with the Action Framework and tools and resources related to complementary feeding in emergencies. Representatives from the profiled countries also shared their experiences with complementary feeding in emergency programs. This event was broadcast live in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic.

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