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Application Lab for Emergency Implementers Showcase

humanitarian workers
9:00am - 10:30am

Join IDEAL for a storytelling showcase led by the Application Lab cohort on their project participant targeting adaptions.

In order to better assist the emergency food security implementing community, IDEAL has convened their first Application Lab for Emergency Implementers to collectively problem-solve around project participant targeting during the time of COVID-19. 

IDEAL invites you to the Application Lab virtual storytelling showcase, which will feature the first Application Lab cohort and how they have adapted or planned to adapt their project participant targeting as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this showcase, event attendees will:

  • Hear from the Application Lab cohort on lessons learned concerning project participant targeting during COVID-19
  • Have an opportunity to ask questions on project participant targeting efforts pursued by the Application Lab cohort
  • Discuss as a community to identify challenges and priorities for future events focused on project participant targeting

This event will be open to the entire food security community to foster knowledge sharing between the Application Lab cohort and other emergency implementing partners.

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