COVID-19 Data for Decision-Making Showcase

Facilitated by IDEAL, this showcase provided implementers the opportunity to share how they applied data for decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic through a virtual poster gallery walk

Photo of man pointing at a chart
Victoria Zegler / Save the Children


Since the onset of COVID-19, the food security M&E sector has focused on overcoming data collection challenges posed by COVID-19 and strategies for combating these roadblocks. Now, several months into COVID-19 adaptations, it’s time to move beyond a focus on data collection and provide a forum for food security practitioners to share findings and how these findings have been used to adapt programmatic decision-making. 

This digital poster showcase was a series of five online, interactive, regional events with food security staff in East and Southern Africa, West Africa, Middle East and North Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia. Staff from all regions were invited to submit digital posters highlighting 1) key COVID-19-related findings, 2) how the findings have or will be used to inform activity implementation, and 3) the intended outcomes of the proposed program implementation changes.

During each regional event, participants had a chance to do a virtual "gallery walk" to view submitted posters and hear presentations of a number of selected posters.

Click the image below to explore all the submitted posters from presenters

photo of map


Click here for the French version | Click here for the Spanish version


Regional Showcases

East and Southern Africa
October 7, 2020 | 9:00-10:30 AM ET
View the digital posters

West and Central Africa
November 19, 2020 | 10:00-11:30 AM ET
View the digital posters
This event was held in French. 
Cliquez ici pour voir cette page en français.

Middle East, North Africa and Asia
February 2, 2021 | 6:00-7:30 AM ET
View the digital posters

Latin America and the Caribbean
March 2, 2021 | 10:00-11:30 AM ET
This event was held in Spanish
Clic aquí para ver esta página en español


Learn more about Monitoring & Evaluation in the M&E Collection here.