IDEAL’s Qualitative Research Learning Lab

A man sitting in a chair with children and a woman behind him writes on a piece of paper that is on top of a book on his lap.
Mark Njoroge / Save the Children

What is the Qualitative Research Learning Lab?

The Qualitative Research Learning Lab is a capacity-strengthening opportunity hosted by the Implementer-Led Design, Evidence, Analysis and Learning (IDEAL) activity to expand learning on qualitative research design, data management, and analysis for emergency and resilience food security implementers who are interested in using qualitative methods. The Qualitative Research Learning Lab will use IDEAL’s Qualitative Design Toolkit as the basis for the curriculum. In addition to the toolkit, the Learning Lab will utilize IDEAL’s two upcoming qualitative online e-courses: 1) Designing Qualitative Studies for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and 2) Qualitative Data Recording, Management and Analysis. The Learning Lab will also be enriched by a potential session on using qualitative methods to increase Gender, Youth, and Social Inclusion (GYSI) facilitated by the Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA), which is still pending confirmation.

Participants in this facilitated learning opportunity will gain foundational knowledge in qualitative monitoring and evaluation methods and practices. For two months, the Qualitative Research Learning Lab will engage participants by utilizing two newly released technical e-courses, supplemented by real-time online interactions with a cohort of BHA-funded activity staff. IDEAL technical experts in qualitative methods will provide the cohort with Q&A support, creating a space for online peer-to-peer interactions to deepen our collective qualitative skills, and will review individual IP’s qualitative research protocols. 

At the end of the two months, IDEAL will select up to three BHA-funded Implementing Partners (IPs) from the cohort (who already have approved funding for qualitative research activities) and provide them with additional technical one-on-one support focused on their activity-specific research questions through October 2024. IDEAL will also support selected IPs to present their work during an online learning event for the broader food security community through the QualME (Qualitative Monitoring and Evaluation) peer group.

Course Objectives

Our ultimate goal is to ensure every participant designs a rigorous and high-quality qualitative M&E study. By the end of the course, participants will:

  • Understand key qualitative principles;
  • Understand how to identify evidence gaps in your activity;
  • Understand how to develop research questions;
  • Learn about different research methodologies that can be used for qualitative inquiries;
  • Learn how to anticipate limitations and risks in your study; 
  • Understand the process of qualitative data analysis and be able to articulate your data analysis plan.

Who Can Participate in the Qualitative Learning Lab?

  • All interested parties from among BHA-funded development (RFSA) and emergency activities. 
  • The primary target audience is activity M&E staff. However, IDEAL also welcomes RFSA and emergency leadership, Strategic Learning Advisors, and other technical leads to participate. 
  • Applicants from local partner organizations are highly encouraged to participate.

What is Expected of Participants?

  • Learning Lab participants will engage for two months in two online learning e-courses; contribute to regular group discussions with a cohort of BHA-funded activity staff; participate in a session on using qualitative methods to increase Gender, Youth, and Social Inclusion (GYSI); and engage in Q&A with IDEAL qualitative technical experts who will provide guided instruction to develop a research protocol using the Qualitative Inquiry Planning Sheet (QuIPS) template.
  • Participants are expected to document and articulate their research protocol using the QuIPS template in preparation for an inclusive qualitative inquiry for their program/activity.
  • At the end of two months, participants may apply to receive additional technical one-on-one support through virtual meetings with IDEAL qualitative technical experts who will support chosen participants in developing their qualitative research activities. IDEAL will meet with selected participants regularly to provide individualized support for their qualitative studies.
  • Selected IPs who receive direct support will also present their work at a QualME peer community session.

What is the Timeline and Time Commitment for the Qualitative Learning Lab?


Activity Description

May 2024

Initial meeting to describe the Qualitative Research Learning Lab’s objectives and approach and to meet fellow cohort participants. IDEAL will then provide guided instruction on the Designing Qualitative Studies for Monitoring and Evaluation e-course to be completed by participants by the end of May. Self-guided e-courses are expected to take approximately 2-3 hours each to complete. Virtual office-hour meetings will consist of 1-hour bi-weekly (once every two weeks) sessions for two months.

June 2024

GAYA will facilitate a session on using qualitative methods to increase Gender, Youth, and Social Inclusion (GYSI). IDEAL will also provide guided instruction on the Qualitative Data Recording, Management, and Analysis e-course to be completed by participants by the end of June and will review IP’s qualitative research protocols (QuIPS) to provide feedback and ensure proposed qualitative M&E studies are robust and of high quality. Interested cohort participants will apply to be considered for additional technical one-on-one support through October 2024.

July – Oct 2024

IDEAL will select up to three IPs from the cohort (who already have approved funding for qualitative research activities) and provide additional technical support to address their program-specific research questions. IDEAL will develop a separate support plan with each IP and meet with them regularly to provide support for their qualitative studies.

Sept – Nov 2024

Selected IPs who receive direct support will also present their work at one QualME community of practice session. The session date TBD between September and November 2024.

How to Apply

To participate in the Qualitative Research Learning Lab, please apply HERE by April 3, 2024. Participants will be informed of their acceptance by the end of April 2024, contact Robin Al-haddad at with questions or for additional details.

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