World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Tools & Manuals

The tools in this toolbox have been extensively used by WWF and its partners and the results show that this approach achieves impact through assisting the development and maintenance of robust, equitable relationships.

The tools in this toolbox can be used at any stage in a partnership. They do not set out a linear, prescriptive route. We have used them in a logical sequence when embarking on a new relationship; but equally have picked out individual tools to apply retrospectively to existing relationships. We believe that where all the organisations involved invest together in the initial development, the periodic review and the maintenance of the partnership, this will result in a more effective collaboration for the longer term and lead to greater impact.

The tools are practical, each with a clearly defined purpose, description and process. A series of questions act as a prompt for some of the issues that each individual tool can help to tackle.