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Migration as a Climate Adaptation Strategy: Challenges & Opportunities for USAID Programs

USAID's Center for Resilience, Yale University, and American University
USAID's Center for Resilience, Yale University, and American University
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Case Studies | Evaluations and Research

Climate-related migration ranges from a proactive adaptation strategy to forced displacement in the face of life-threatening risks. While climate-related displacement is a critical issue, this report explores the particular case of migration as a climate adaptation strategy and opportunities to support migration before it is a choice of last resort. The opportunities outlined aim to promote the agency and strengthen the capacity of individuals, households, and communities, ensuring safer and more productive migration with dignity. This report seeks to reframe existing discourses about migration, positioning mobility as a potentially positive response to existing or anticipated climate impacts to livelihoods, food security, and livability of particular areas. As such, the scope of the report is limited to migration that is proactive and internal or, if cross-border, conducted along regular migration pathways.