Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Technical Guidance

Because of the growing importance of water in the health, agricultural, and environmental sectors, the development of groundwater sources is becoming increasingly central to the success of integrated rural development programs. CRS experience with and capacity to undertake groundwater development tends to be restricted by a shortage of technical staff. Where successful groundwater development programs have been implemented, the transfer of technical knowledge and best practices to other countries occasionally has been limited by an inadequate understanding of the potential benefits of groundwater within senior CRS staff at the regional and country levels.

The purpose of this technical paper is to inform CRS staff of the potential for groundwater development in country programs. It is not a planning or design guideline, but rather a general technical overview of a critical component of water development. 

This paper explains basic groundwater and well drilling concepts and shows how they can be employed to strengthen and expand CRS water development programs. The target audience is the CRS Program Managers, Country Representatives and Regional Advisors who have responsibilities for programs and projects involving water.