Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Year Published:
Resource Type:
Tools & Manuals

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has identified protection as a priority in all aspects of our programming, in both emergency and nonemergency contexts. To ensure that all staff have a shared level of understanding of what is meant by protection, the CRS Protection Team has prepared the following Training Module. CRS anticipates that all CRS country programs will use this Training Module as the standard resource for training CRS staff in protection.

The Training Modules are designed to complement other CRS initiatives, including the Justice/Solidarity Lens training; IHD; and ProPack I and ProPack II. Additionally, the Modules have been designed to support the methodologies advanced under Sphere and Do No Harm approaches.

In developing the various sections of the Modules, we have drawn inspiration from and been guided by the following resources, which we gratefully acknowledge: The Sphere Project Training Package; the UNHCR’s Reach Out Refugee Protection Training Kit; ALNAP (Active Learning Network on Accountability and Performance), Protection – A Guide for Humanitarian Agencies; OXFAM Great Britain’s “Liberia Protection Training Pack – Improving the Safety of Liberian People”; IASC’s “Growing the Sheltering Tree: Protecting Rights Through Humanitarian Action”;, and the Emergency Capacity Building Project’s “The Good Enough Guide: Impact Measurement and Accountability in Emergencies.”

The workbook will be used throughout the training. It is divided into two sections. The first relates to activities and exercises that will be done throughout the training. The second includes important texts and background reading.