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BHA Emergency M&E Guidelines: Rapid Review Findings and Recommendations

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Evaluations and Research

USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) is the lead funder and coordinator for the United States Government’s international humanitarian and disaster assistance. BHA’s M&E team is responsible for providing guidelines to implementing partners (IPs) on the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of their BHA-funded emergency activities. In response to a request by BHA’s M&E team, IDEAL engaged the Right-Fit Evidence Unit of Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) to conduct a rapid review of BHA’s M&E emergency guidelines, focusing on the extent to which the guidelines promoted accountability and enabled learning among BHA and IPs. IPA reviewed M&E-relevant BHA documents, conducted interviews with BHA and IP staff, and held workshops with members of the BHA M&E team. This brief highlights common themes emerging from this review. While findings may not comprehensively represent the experience of all IPs working with BHA, they indicate where further analysis and support may be needed.