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Menstrual Health & Hygiene in Emergencies: Cluster Coordination & Beyond

Cover image for the Menstrual Health & Hygiene in Emergencies: Cluster Coordination & Beyond event. Shows more details of the event including date, time, and speakers
Period Posse Columbia University
8:00am - 9:00am ET
Period Posse: Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia

From conflicts to natural disasters, displaced populations often lack the resources to manage menstruation. By mainstreaming menstrual health and hygiene into humanitarian response, we can better support those who menstruate in acute and protracted settings. Join to discuss opportunities and challenges for cluster coordination related to MHH in emergencies. Speakers include:

  • Marina Berbiec, Global Education Cluster
  • Jennifer Chase, Global Protection Cluster
  • Julie Bara & Caroline Haar, Global WASH Cluster
  • Catrin Schulte-Hillen & Francis Tabu, Global Health Cluster/CXB Health Cluster