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Discussion on Cash & Food Distribution During COVID-19

humanitarian worker standing with a mask
8:00pm - 8:00pm EST

About this Event

The COVID-19 pandemic threatens to double the number of people suffering from acute hunger, pushing it to more than a quarter of a billion by the end of 2020. As the pandemic continues to unfold, implementers of USAID/Food for Peace food security activities will need to adapt food assistance modalities, including re-assessing ration size or cash transfer amount, frequency, locations, and protocols for distribution.

To help address these emerging challenges, IDEAL has launched a Cash & Food Distribution learning stream aimed at enabling Food for Peace implementing partners to regularly share and reflect on lessons learned and promising practices for adapting food assistance modalities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Join this discussion around the Cash & Food Distribution learning stream where we will explore the scope of issues that will be addressed during subsequent engagements. This kick-off meeting is expected to:

  • Provide an opportunity for implementing partners to share and reflect on how they are adapting food assistance modalities in response to COVID-19
  • Initiate dialogue to prioritize learning and capacity-strengthening needs to be addressed through future engagements under the Cash & Food Distribution learning stream

This event is part of IDEAL's Food Security COVID-19 Learning Series.