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Achieving Coherence: The HDP Nexus Webinar

Mom and daughter carry water back to their home
Ellery Lamm / Save the Children
9:30am - 11:00am EST
USAID Resilience Leadership Council, in partnership with ResilienceLinks

Unprecedented and compounded crises, shocks and stresses are impacting the populations USAID and its partners serve. Working together across different types of assistance is more important than ever before for addressing immediate needs and the root causes of our greatest development challenges. Humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) coherence offers a critical step forward in moving beyond silos, prioritizing a common agenda and enhancing coordination across types of assistance in a way that puts local communities and people front and center.

USAID's Resilience Leadership Council recently released a new product titled "Programming Considerations for Humanitarian-Development-Peace Coherence: A Note for USAID’s Implementing Partners". This document highlights USAID’s core principles on HDP coherence and shares both what USAID has learned in its pursuit of HDP coherence as well as promising practices and ideas identified by its partners. It focuses on day-to-day programming approaches, decisions and routines that it hopes can directly inspire partner approaches.